I'm no horse whisperer but...

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." 

In other words you can provide someone with an opportunity, but you can't force them to take advantage of it. It can be tempting for us Massage Therapists to tell ourselves when clients don’t reach their goals, However, it feels like a cop-out and a disservice to those seeking relief from persistent pain..

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3 signs that you need to up your self-care game during lock-down

If you notice yourself in any of the above know that it’s OK to not feel OK, especially now. This will pass. The art of touch is my passion and I can’t wait to be done with social distancing so I can get my hands on people! In the meantime I’m offering 1-2-1 weekly sessions to anyone who wants to stay connected and limber. 10-15 mins of active stretching & self-massage on Zoom; free.

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What can Massage really do?

Massage can help create an environment for the brain to “relearn” that the messages sent from nociceptors do not always mean that the body is in real physical danger and does not, therefore, need to continue to create a pain response. This happens on a physical level via interacting with the nervous system using massage techniques but also on a psycho-socio level…

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